Dieses Bild zeigt Lukas Merkle

Lukas Merkle

Herr M. Sc.

Stellvertretender Bereichsleiter Antriebstechnik
Institut für Maschinenelemente


+49 711 685 66153

Visitenkarte (VCF)

Pfaffenwaldring 9
70569 Stuttgart
Raum: 2.136

  1. 2023

    1. Binanzer, Lisa ; Merkle, Lukas ; Dazer, Martin ; Nicola, Andreas: Pitting Detection for Prognostics and Health Management in Gearbox Applications. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Gears 2023. 13.-15.09.2023, Garching/Munich, 2023, S. 97–108
    2. Merkle, Lukas ; Dazer, Martin ; Nicola, Andreas: Pitting Detection in an Early Damage Stage for AI Based Operating Strategies in Wind Power Drives. In: 77th STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 21.-25.05.2023, Long Beach, California (USA), 2023 — (presentation)
    3. Merkle, Lukas ; Binanzer, Lisa ; Dazer, Martin ; Nicola, Andreas: Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Control of Wind Power Drives. In: Proceedings of CWD 2023 - Conference for Wind Power Drives. 21.-22.03.2023, Eurogress, Aachen, 2023, S. 172–180
  2. 2022

    1. Merkle, Lukas ; Grün, Jeremias ; Baumann, Matthias ; Bauer, Frank: Sealing Systems under Starved Lubrication Conditions. In: International Sealing Conference : Fachverband Fluidtechnik im VDMA e.V., 2022. — ISBN 978-3-8163-0756-3, S. 561–567 — 735
    2. Lukas, Merkle ; Baumann, Matthias ; Bauer, Frank: Rotary Shaft Seals: Correlation of Wear Formation at the Sealing Edge and Shaft under Various Operating Conditions. In: Tribology Transactions. (2022), S. 1–15 — 720 (peer-review)
    3. Baumann, Matthias ; Merkle, Lukas ; Bauer, Frank: Opportunities and Applications for Artificial Intelligence in Sealing Technology. In: 23rd International Colloquium Tribology : expert-Verlag, 2022. — ISBN 978-3-8169-3547-6, S. 471–473 — 697
    4. Merkle, Lukas ; Baumann, Matthias ; Bauer, Frank: Wear on Rotary Shaft Seals: Tribological Correlation Between Wear at Sealing Edge and Wear of Shaft. In: 76th STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Orlando, Florida (USA), 15.05-19.05.2022, 2022 — 705 (presentation)
    5. Merkle, Lukas ; Bauer, Frank: Lastkollektive RWDR – Gestaltung von Lastkollektiven zur Prüfung von Radial-Wellendichtungen (FVA Forschungsheft 1512 Nr. Abschlussbericht, Vorhaben 696I II / 696 IV). Frankfurt am Main : Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik e.V., 2022 — 723
    6. Merkle, Lukas ; Baumann, Matthias ; Bauer, Frank: Back-Pumping Rate Measurement of Elastomeric Radial Lip Seals in Converse Installation: Basics, Wear Formation and Long-Term Tests. In: Proceedings M2D2022, 2022. — ISBN 978-989-54756-3-6, S. 363–374 — 710 (peer-review)
  3. 2021

    1. Merkle, Lukas ; Baumann, Matthias ; Bauer, Frank: Improving a Gear Box Sealing System - Individual Test Design Based on Given Application Parameters and Failure Analysis. In: ISGATEC JAHRBUCH Dichten. Kleben. Polymer. 2022. (2021), S. 84–97. — ISBN 978-3-946260-05-09 — 693
    2. Merkle, Lukas ; Baumann, Matthias ; Bauer, Frank: Influence of Alternating Temperature Levels on the Wear Behavior of Radial Lip Seals: Test Rig Design and Wear Analysis. In: 10th International Conference on Tribology – BALKANTRIB ’20 PROCEEDINGS, 2021. — ISBN 978-86-6060-073-0, S. 163–164 — 675 (peer-review)
  4. 2020

    1. Merkle, Lukas ; Baumann, Matthias ; Bauer, Frank: Best Practice for Individual Test Design Based on Given Application Parameters and Failure Analysis on Radial Shaft Seals. In: 61. Tribologie-Fachtagung 2020 : Gesellschaft für Tribologie e.V., 2020. — ISBN 978-3-9817451-6-0, S. 50/1-50/7 — 669

Radial-Wellendichtring, Schadensanalyse, Verschleiß, Lastkollektive, Adaptive Betriebsstrategie

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