pictogramm Reliability of Adaptive Load-Bearing Structures

Research Project: Reliability of Adaptive Load-Bearing Structures

Institute of Machine Components (IMA)

Collaborative Research Centre 1244: Adaptive skins and structures for the built environment of tomorrow

Reliability is crucial in the context of adaptive load-bearing structures in civil engineering with regard to the behavior of the structure in the event of a partial or complete failure of the actuator, sensor or control system. The influence of wear or fatigue of notch points of the structure as well as the influence of failures on the operation must be considered. From this, the central questions of this sub-project of the SFB are derived, which concern the analysis of redundancies in structural topologies, the detection of failure cases as well as service life monitoring to maintain stability and usability.

detailed project description (.pdf)

english logo DFG - German Research Foundation

Founded by Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft – German Research Foundation – within the Collaborative Research Centre 1244: Adaptive skins and structures for the built
environment of tomorrow

funding website


  1. Efinger, Dshamil ; Mannone, Giuseppe ; Dazer, Martin: Applying Prognostics and Health Management to Optimize Safety and Sustainability at the First Adaptive High-Rise Structure. In: PHM Society European Conference. Bd. 8, PHM Society (2024), Nr. 1, S. 12 — IMA-ZUV (peer-review)
  2. Efinger, Dshamil ; Dazer, Martin: Load-Optimized Functional Availability of Safe Adaptive Load-Bearing Structures. In: The 4th International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management (ICVRAM 2024) & the 8th International Symposium on Uncertainty Modelling and Analysis (ISUMA 2024), 2024 — IMA-ZUV (presentation)
  3. Borschewski, David ; Albrecht, Stefan ; Bischoff, Manfred ; Blandini, Lucio ; Bosch, Matthias ; Dazer, Martin ; Efinger, Dshamil ; Eisenbarth, Christina ; u. a.: Ökobilanzierung adaptiver Hüllen und Strukturen. In: Bauphysik. Bd. 45, Wiley (2023), Nr. 2, S. 107--121 — IMA-ZUV 409 (peer-review)
  4. Efinger, Dshamil ; Dazer, Martin: Impact of uncertainties in reliability engineering on the carbon footprint. In: The 11th international conference on life cycle management. (2023) — IMA-ZUV presentation
  5. Efinger, Dshamil ; Ostertag, Andreas ; Dazer, Martin ; Borschewski, David ; Albrecht, Stefan ; Bertsche, Bernd: Reliability as a Key Driver for a Sustainable Design of Adaptive Load-Bearing Structures. In: Sustainability. (2022), Nr. 14(2) — IMA-ZUV 380 (peer-review)
  6. Borschewski, David ; Albrecht, Stefan ; Bischoff, Manfred ; Blandini, Lucio ; Bosch, Matthias ; Dazer, Martin ; Efinger, Dshamil ; Eisenbarth, Christina ; u. a.: Ökobilanzierung adaptiver Hüllen und Strukturen. In: Bautechnik. Bd. 99 (2022), Nr. 10, S. 731–745 — IMA-ZUV 402 (peer-review)
  7. Ostertag, Andreas: Zuverlässigkeit, Sicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit adaptiver Tragwerke. Stuttgart, Institut für Maschinenelemente, Dissertation Nr. 201, 2021. — ISBN 978-3-948308-01-8


This image shows Dshamil Efinger

Dshamil Efinger


Research Associate

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