In this project, the material properties of various lubricant-metal pairings which lead to increased wear on the radial shaft seal system were investigated . Initial correlations between the depth of wear track and the lubricants wetting properties have already been shown in previous work.
This should enable the user to assess how prone a radial lip sealing system is to wear. This results in significantly more accurate statements about durability as well as time and cost savings in the design process.
The IGF project 20111 N/1 of the Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau e.V. (FKM) was funded by the AiF as a support of the Industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung (IGF, Industrial Collective Research) by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag.
- Fricker, Philipp ; Baumann, Matthias ; Bauer, Frank: Welleneinlauf - Einfluss der Schmierstoffbenetzung auf den Verschleiß der Gegenlauffläche bei Radial-Wellendichtungen : Heft 337. FKM-Vorhaben 612. IGF-Nr. 20111 N, 2021 — IMA-DT 689
- Fricker, Philipp ; Baumann, Matthias ; Bauer, Frank: How different lubricants affect the wear of steel counterfaces in radial lip sealing systems. In: Wear. Bd. 203897 (2021) — IMA-DT 676 (peer-review)