Institute of Machine Components

The StutCAD center is a cross-faculty institution which ensures uniform CAD training with PTC Creo and Siemens NX for all students of the University of Stuttgart.

Overview over courses

Current information

You can register for the StutCAD courses via C@MPUS. Links to the particular courses can be found above.
The registration for the courses is binding.

You will find further information about the course schedule and content on ILIAS once you have registered.


Overview: Courses in SS 2024 (German)

3D model of a seal test bench
3D model of a seal test bench

General information

The StutCAD Center is a cross-faculty institution that ensures a uniform CAD education for the students of the University of Stuttgart. The StutCAD center is under the direction of the Institute for Machine Elements IMA. It is available to the following faculties

  • Fakultät 4: Energie-, Verfahrens- und Biotechnik
  • Fakultät 6: Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik und Geodäsie
  • Fakultät 7: Konstruktions-, Produktions- und Fahrzeugtechnik

Opening hours

Mo-Fr: 08:00 Uhr – 23:00 Uhr
Sa: 08:00 Uhr – 12:00 Uhr

Consulting hours

during lecture period:
Mo, Mi: 13:00 Uhr – 14:00 Uhr

during lecture-free period:
Mi: 09:00 Uhr – 12:00 Uhr

please note:
There is no consultation during the vacation on Pentecost and Christmas.


The set-up of the StutCAD center with modern software and hardware was financed by the state of Baden-Württemberg. To date, two of the four staff positions approved for operation have been allocated. Since the winter semester 92/93, a total of more than 10,000 students as well as numerous academic staff members have been trained.

Plots and 3D printing at StutCAD


In general, all students and university employees of the following faculties have access to StutCAD:

  • Faculty 4: Energie-, Verfahrens- und Biotechnik
  • Faculty 6: Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik und Geodäsie
  • Faculty 7: Konstruktions-, Produktions- und Fahrzeugtechnik ( Maschinenbau )

Access is authorized via the ecus student ID card. This must be activated by the user advisory service. Please write to

For the CAD compulsory courses within the lectures Konstruktionslehre II / III or GdM II / GdP I participants receive an access authorization that is valid until the end of the bachelor's program.
During this period, the CAD room can be used at any time (during opening hours).

Students of the bachelor's program do not have access to permanent hard disk space.

For participants in the other CAD courses, an access authorization valid until the end of the respective semester will be issued, but no separate account will be released.
For study, bachelor or master theses, access can be requested with an account that is valid until the expected end of the thesis.

With the activation of the account, hard disk space on the server is also made available.

Employees may participate in the CAD courses under the same conditions as students in the master's program.

Furthermore, it is also possible to obtain an account with hard disk space on the server.


2x Windows 2012 Server  
53x Windows 7 Arbeitsplatzrechner mit 22" TFT-Bildschirmen  


1x DIN A0 Tintenstrahl Farbplotter HP Designjet T930

Benutzung nach Rücksprache
1x DIN A3 Laserdrucker HP Laserjet 9050

Benutzung für CAD-Plots frei

Rapid Prototyping

1x 3D Drucker ZPrinter 450
1x Laserschneidmaschine


55 Lizenzen PTC Creo 2.0
55 Lizenzen Siemens NX 9.0

Site plan of the StutCAD center

Contact to StutCAD


StutCAD - CAD Training Center of the University of Stuttgart

Pfaffenwaldring 9, 70569 Stuttgart

This image shows Jacqueline Gerhard (geb. Hannss)

Jacqueline Gerhard (geb. Hannss)


Research Associate

This image shows Marco Gohs

Marco Gohs


Research Associate

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