The goal of the research project is to integrate a sensor system into a shaft sleeve using 3D-MID technologies. This sensor system determines the temperature in the contact area of a shaft seal without compromising the sealing function. The measurement results are intended to be transmitted wirelessly and in real-time to an evaluation unit.
In collaboration with the Institute for Factory Automation and Production Systems (FAPS) at the Friedrich-Alexander-University in Erlangen-Nuremberg, the sensor system is conceptualized and optimized through simulation. Subsequently, prototypes and functional models with progressively increasing capabilities are manufactured and tested on a test bench.
The IGF project 22854 N/1 of the Forschungsvereinigung Räumliche Elektronische Baugruppen 3-D MID e.V is funded by the AiF as a support of the Industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung (IGF, Industrial Collective Research) by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag.
- Olbrich, Christoph ; Feldmeth, Simon ; Piechulek, Niklas ; Bauer, Frank: SmartSeal: Monitoring system for the contact tem-perature of rotary shaft seals in operation. — IMA-DT 750
- Olbrich, Christoph ; Feldmeth, Simon ; Piechulek, Niklas ; Bauer, Frank ; Jörg, Franke: Intelligente Wellen-Dichtungen mittels 3D-MID-Sensor-Integration SmartSeal. — IMA-DT 759
- Olbrich, Christoph ; Bauer, Frank: Determination of the contact temperature of rotary shaft seals without compromising the tribological system. — IMA-DT 749

Simon Feldmeth
Dipl.-Ing. Pat.-Ing.Team Manager Simulation

Christoph Olbrich
M.Sc.Research Associate