Technology Transfer
In all research areas of the institute, an intensive technology transfer takes place in order to transfer research results into practice and to achieve an economic added value.
Business Start-up
The 'Technologie-Transfer-Initiative' (TTI) is the central contact point of the University of Stuttgart for business start-ups.
The University of Stuttgart - represented by the Pro-Rector for Knowledge and Technology Transfer - invites you to the following recurring event:
- „Ringvorlesung Existenzgründung" - Lecturers from science and business give interesting lectures related to business start-ups. The target group is students of diploma, bachelor and master programs as well as people interested in starting a business.
A very successful example of the knowledge and technology transfer at the Institute of Machine Elements is the "JHP - Beratungsgesellschaft für Produktzuverlässigkeit".
Contact TTI
Bernd Bertsche
Prof. Dr.-Ing. (im Ruhestand)Former Head of Institute