pictogram Rotary Shaft Seal

Research Project: Reference Rotary Shaft Seal

Institute of Machine Components (IMA)

Development of a FVA reference rotary shaft seal

An evaluation or even the determination of limits of damaging influences on the tribological system rotary shaft seal is currently not possible. The aim of this research project is to develop a pumping-neutral reference rotary shaft seal, whereby the influence of the sealing ring on the sealing system can be minimized. This will enable a targeted analysis of other damaging influences on the rotary shaft seal sealing system.

detailed project description (.pdf)

Logo FVA

The FVA-Project 924 I of “Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik e.V.” is funded through the association's own resources.  To funding website: https://fva-net.de/


This image shows Frank Bauer

Frank Bauer

apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Head of Sealing Technology &
Head of StutCAD

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