In view of simplifying the installation of small photovoltaic systems through modular flexibility, as well as increasing their safety and efficiency, the electronic components are integrated directly into the solar module. The resulting heat generation and the associated changed general conditions, as well as the very high service life requirement of more than 20 years, make a precise analysis from a reliability point of view inevitable. The aim is to evaluate the critical changes associated with the module integration of the electronics from a reliability point of view and to ensure that the newly developed electronics solutions are also competitive with the older variants under particularly critical operating conditions directly on the solar module.
The project Voyager-PV (FKZ 03EE1057G) is funded under the announced funding of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) in the 7th Programme for Energy Research "Innovations for the Energy Transition".
Kim Hintz
M. Sc.Research Associate