The automotive industry is in the process of transforming towards all-electric drive systems. In particular, the hv battery is becoming the focus of development. In order to prove reliability during the development phase, optimal test planning is therefore required. Here, the technical requirements as well as the economic framework conditions must be combined with the target of a precise reliability prognosis.
Defined test collectives exist for component, battery and complete vehicle endurance tests. The project budget and the available testing time are also defined in advance. If, in addition, the available prior knowledge from digital validation, the field behavior of a predecessor product and/or life tests of an interlocked product are used for test planning, further development of existing methods is required.
- Grundler, Alexander ; Göldenboth, Marcel ; Stoffers, Frédéric ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Effiziente Zuverlässigkeitsabsicherung durch Berücksichtigung von Simulationsergebnissen am Beispiel einer Hochvolt-Batterie. In: 30. VDI-Fachtagung Technische Zuverlässigkeit 2021. Düsseldorf : VDI Verlag GmbH, 2021. — ISBN 978-3-18-092377-2, S. 75–88 — IMA-ZUV 359 (peer-review)
- Göldenboth, Marcel ; Grundler, Alexander ; Bertsche, Bernd: Reliability demonstration within the framework of event-based endurance testing considering prior knowledge. In: Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, RAMS 2020, 2020 — IMA-ZUV 335 (peer-review)

Marcel Göldenboth
M.Sc.Doctoral Student